little bear

little bear
1 month old

Saturday, February 25, 2012


Well we survived our first night home. It all went pretty well. I was up a few times. Mommy and Daddy took turns getting up with me, even though mommy still had to get up and pump. Mommy appreciated getting a little bit more sleep while I was still awake.
Marilu and Ken came to visit us today. They drove down from the cities!! It was so nice to meet them. I was a good boy while they were here. I slept most of the time. Mommy got some more pictures uploaded, so take a peek!

 Here I am getting my car seat test done. The doctors wanted to make sure I did okay sitting in the car seat for a long time. I had to sit in there for 90 minutes. I was a good boy though. And I passed the test :)
 Here is what mommy came to find thursday morning when she came to see me. No more tube. We were both pretty excited. Mommy even got some extra sleep, because I took a bottle three times that night.
 Here I am all dressed and ready to leave the hospital. Mommy and Daddy were so excited to take me home. We had to wait for a while though while the doctors got everything squared away.
 I fell asleep waiting for everything to get ready. Being discharged from the hospital is a lot of work you know. This was mommy and daddys bed they got to sleep on when they spent the night with me in the hospital. I was a good boy that night too! Mom and dad are hopful this trend continues.
 Here I am all packed up and ready to go. Finally got all my paperwork finished up, and said all of my good byes. We collected a lot of stuff being here for 2 weeks.
 Here I am meeting my big sister Layla for the first time. Mommy and Daddy told me a lot about her while we were in the hospital. I don't know what the big fuss is about, she is not as naughty as they say she is.
 She really doesn't know what to think of me yet. She doesn't like it when I cry... it makes her nervous. Mommy thinks she has been a lot more calm since I have been here though. We will see if that lasts too. She has been very good when we have had visitors over, which mommy was worried about.
Here I am with my Mommy, loving being at home. Mommy was so excited to sleep in her own bed. I think she fell asleep before I did when we went to bed last night.

Well we will keep you updated as new things happen, but we probably won't be updating quite as much since things are calming down here. Mommy will still try to post pictures of me though!!!

Thank you again for all of your prayers. We are soooo happy to finally be home!


1 comment:

  1. So glad you are finally home! I hope everything is smooth sailing from here on out.
