little bear

little bear
1 month old

Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Monday!

 Monday morning again!
 I am still working on eating. Yesterday I had 3 wonderful feeds throughout the day. Today we are going to try and add a couple more. If I keep doing well, I should get to go home this week.
  Yesterday auntie Alissa and Uncle Travis had to go home. Mommy and Daddy were very glad they came for the weekend.
  My cousins Paige and Delaney came with Nana and Papa to visit me. They even got to hold me. Nana had to fight Delaney to get me away from her. She kinda likes me. I really liked looking at Paige while she was holding me. I just stared, like I do at my daddy.
 We had a great weekend, and we hope you all did too!
 Thanks for all of your prayers, and for checking up on me!
Have a great day!

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