little bear

little bear
1 month old

Friday, February 17, 2012


Here I am listening to my daddy talk. Just wide awake

I was just content as could be looking at him.

 Here I am Kangaroo wrapped with my mom. I really liked it.
Here I am eyes open!

Sorry mommy has been slacking on the pictures the last couple of days. There are more to come... mommy just didn't have the patience for the slow computer today.
Grandma Anita and Great Aunt Teresa are here visiting now. Grandma says I look so much better than when I did when she left on Saturday. She was sooo excited to hold me. Now they are going to increase my food every 8 hours instead of 12. I will hopefully get up to my goal of 58 a little faster. Starting at my next feeding I will be at 40. They are going to take out my IV line from belly button today... so no more lines!!! Daddy is excited for this, because they make him quite nervous! Now I just need to show my ques that I am hungry!

Thanks again for all your prayers and thoughts!
Have a wonderful day!!!


  1. YAY love those pictures he is so awake!! Those lines made me nervous too Easton, I hope you feel better with out them in AND you get to eat lots soon!
    Love you guys!

  2. He looks so good guys! Love the updates! Now, eat, eat!
