little bear

little bear
1 month old

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines day everyone!!! Yesterday was a wonderful day! My daddy got to hold me, and my mommy got to Kangaroo hold me. I also got to meet my Uncle Jeremy. He kinda liked me. I also got to meet Daddy's cousin Corinne, and one of mommys work buddies, Lani. It was wonderful to have the visitors. Otherwise we had a very chill day.  I have to tell you how good of a day I am having! Boy oh boy a day it is!!! I get to start eating today... I will get a little bit of mommys milk every 3 hours. It will go in the tube through my mouth for now, until I wake up a little bit more and am able to suck.
  The doctors made mommy and daddy very happy this morning. They said I get to eat, and my blood chemistry is back into normal range. Before my Magnesium was a little low, and my sodium level was a little low. Also my QT wave is  now completely normal. It was longer than it should have been on the ECG. The doctors say this could have been from being cooled, or having seizures. So I dont have to have anymore ECGS as of now. They also got the results back from one of the blood tests they have been waiting for. It was a more complex one to determine brain damage versus muscle damage. The test showed that it was not from my brain. This is a very good thing. It means I don't have any brain damage!!!!!! They say that the muscle damage is not severe, and is most likley from my very tramatic enterance to this world!!!! So far I got to meet mommy and daddys friend Kirsten. My Nana Peggy is going to visit me this evening, and she iis going to hold me. She is really excited! My adopted auntie and Uncle Matt and Tanya are coming to visit me today too!!! Ohh here is a picture of me eating for the first time!!!!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day today, because mommy and daddy and I are planning on it.!!!



  1. I am thrilled for you guys! What a great day!

  2. Go Easton!! This is such good news!

  3. Awesome news!!!! Glad to hear things are on the upside. You guys deserve to bring that baby home soon! Have wonderful Valentines Day!!!!!!

  4. Easton it is your big cousin Luc. You are a genis. You are so little. How do you know all these big words!!! I don't even know have the things you saying.And you know how to type. Wow just wow. Soon you can come hom. Me you and Logan can tease the girl cousins. I can't wait to hold you. I read your blog every day and i'm glad you are okay

    Your fav cousin
    Luc (not Sandra)

  5. Way to go Easton! Miss you... Will u be my Valentine ;) today in basketball I told myself tht I would score 10 points for u! and i did!!! love u so much! and glad your healthy!

  6. Luc- my daddy says he picks on me because he had brothers who picked on him:) I know I can't believe how smart I am getting either... But they tell me I have to keep up with you. Can't wait to meet you in person, so I can really see my competition!
