little bear

little bear
1 month old

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday morning

Mommy and Daddy met with the doctors this morning, but they let me sleep in! I was all warm last night around 11pm. My nurse was pretty excited because she finally got to dress me after seeing me cold all weekend. The doctors this morning are pretty impressed with my progress over the weekend. There are still some questions to be answered, but they are working on it. They have me on 2 different seizure medicines, that are working pretty well. Today's plan is to get this EEG monitor off, and take my catheter out. Most importantly though, my daddy gets to hold me. I don't know who is more excited, but he has been picking on me since they got here! Well that's all for now! Thanks for all of your prayers! They have been helping:) Love Easton


  1. Yay for daddy getting to hold you today! I bet your both excited. Ive been praying every day with my mommy and she keeps showing me your picture. Keep up the hard work :) thoughts and prayers your way. Love baby Jackson L.

  2. What a great update! Have fun with daddy.

  3. Joey dont pick on my nephew!! Tell Easton that his big cousin Luc knows how it feels to have an annoying dad and that hes got his back!!

  4. Im soo jelous that i dont get to hold him!!! Auntie Becca is trying to wait, so anxious! Love ya buddy MISS YOU!!!!!

  5. This is quite possibly one of the best days in your life. Nothing like holding your baby for the first time! I hope you snuggled for as long as possible! Happy Valentines Day to the 3 of you!
