little bear

little bear
1 month old

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mommy and Daddy started me a blog

     Hi Everyone!
   I know I have scared everyone these last couple of days, but I really appreciate your prayers!! My doctors seem pretty optimistic about me today, so everyone here is really happy about that!
   Yesterday I had a rough day. Daddy noticed me having some seizures in the morning when he was visiting, which is kinda why I am in the NICU anyway. So in the afternoon I had to go to get an MRI. They had to sedate me to go to that, and I had to be intubated- to help me breathe. Daddy took me down because Mommy was still down at her hospital. Let me tell you how much that stinks, Mommy has to wait for a shuttle to come and see me, and then wait for one to back. It usually is an hour long process. This is hard for Mommy especially since she is not very patient!
     So back to that MRI, the doctors noticed a couple of things. There are a couple of spots in my brain that have what the doctor called a "Diffuse injury" - it is in the grey matter, more specifically the Thalamus. This could be a reason for my seizures. The Neurologist doesn't seem to concerned about this right now, because I am so little and my brain should be able to fix itself. I did also have a little bit of blood in 2 of the ventricles in my brain. This should absorb on its own. They think that is from the trauma Mommy and my labor and delivery.
    I also have to have a lumbar puncture or spinal tap last night. Nana Peggy says Uncle Jeremy and I now have a bond! They are waiting for results from that still. They are afraid I might have an infection in there. Which is another reason I could be having seizures. They did find a little bit of blood in there too, but this could just be from doing the procedure. They did start me on an antiviral medicine just in case.

Mommy and Daddy did get to talk to my doctors this morning, but I will let them tell you about that later!!!
I just wanted to say Hi to everyone and let everyone know that I am doing okay they think!

Thanks again for your prayers! I really appreciate them, and need them right now!!
Love, Easton

P.S. Mommy or Daddy will post a picture of me soon THEY PROMISE!!

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