little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, February 16, 2012

1 week old today!

I have been pretty awake today! I was awake for about an hour and a half after mommy and daddy got here this morning. The doctors say that as long as I am awake before my feedings we might be able to try an oral feeding later today. We will have to see how I respond to my new amount of food I am getting. They are going to start increasing it every 12 hours instead of every 24. Mommy and daddy's friend Kristina stopped to see me today. I love meeting all these new people! Mommy and daddy enjoy the visitors too! I am so excited for my first skype date tonight with my uncle buster, auntie Sandra, and my cousins luc and juliana! Otherwise another quiet day of growing for me. Mommy and daddy say thank you sooo much for all of your prayers and thoughts over the last week. They are just amazed at how far I have come in these last 7 long days! Love, Easton

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