little bear

little bear
1 month old

Saturday, February 18, 2012


We had a pretty big day today! I got my first sponge bath. I didn't even really mind it! I got moved to a real crib today!!! Also mommy and I tried our first real feeding! I did really great. I ate for about an hour. Mommy and daddy are really excited about how I did. Hopefully I can continue to do as well as I did the first time. Even the nurses were impressed with how good I did. Auntie Alissa and Uncle Travis are here visiting for the weekend, so I am getting to spend lots of time with them too! Auntie Alissa rocked me to sleep twice today after I was done eating. I am making big steps at going home! We are all so excited!

Thanks for checking on me!
Easton :)


  1. Great news to hear! I keep checking on you guys all the time! Keep the good news coming! :)
