little bear

little bear
1 month old

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Well last night they moved me to the cuddle room! Mommy and daddy took a trip to Winona so daddy could bowl. While they were gone Nana peg and Papa Jeff came to see me. They were both so excited they got to hold me! They helped me move to my new room. The nurses said I was a good boy last night. Mommy and daddy came to see me again after bowling, and I was wide awake. Kicking my legs, eyes open, sucking on my hands. They were really happy to see me like that. One of my anti seizure meds is still getting the best of doctors. They have been checking the levels in my blood, and adjusting how much they give me. I tolerated my food Yesterday so they are doubling the amount I get at each feeding today. As for the rest of the day, my adopted auntie Jessica is coming to visit me. Otherwise another quiet day for all of us! Have a wonderful day! Easton

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