little bear

little bear
1 month old

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


  Mommy and Daddy have been busy trying to get me to eat today. We have done 3 feedings so far and as soon as I wake up I will be trying a 4th. I have not fed the greatest today... but the nurses say obviously I am getting food in my belly, because I sleep and act full.
  Daddy had to go back to Winona tonight, because he has to go back to work tomorrow.
  I am going to have a new second cousin either tonight or tomorrow morning. Grandma Anita is just going to be a pro. She is helping Mommy's auntie Meghan deliver her baby. We hope they have a better experience then we did!!!!!
  Otherwise here are some pictures from the last few days. Just for you Auntie Becca.

Here I am with my Auntie Alissa. This is the first time she got to hold me.

 Here I am getting my first bath. I was too big for the tiny tub the got for me.... So I got the whole sink eventually. I didn't mind my bath one bit. It even helped get some of my dry skin off.
 Here I am with big eyes just looking around after I was done eating. Just snuggling with mommy.
 My cousin Delaney was so excited to hold me. Nana had to fight her to hold her.
 My cousin Gracie says my name sounds like Easter bunny. So she got me this hat. It is still a little big, but it should fit me at Eater time!
 My Grandma Anita drove all the way over just to hold me for a couple of hours last Friday. Then she drove all the way home. She was so happy to see how good I am doing!
 After eating, just hanging out with Mommy. This was after I ate really good. Today I just frustrated mommy. The nurses tell mommy I am having a growing day.
 Mommy was so excited to put this shirt on me. I looked to Handsome!
 Kisses from my Mommy.
 My Papa and Nana getting to hold me for the first time. I told my mommy these pictures are a week old already, but she gets frustrated with the computer.
                                              Here is my Nana holding me for the first time.
Here is my cousin Paige holding me for the first time. I just stared at her, like I do my daddy.

Well that is all from me for the day. My Nana is holding me while I get a tube feed, because I just fell asleep when mommy tried to feed me. We might try one more time this evening, but who knows how I will act then either.

Hope you all had a good day.


  1. It can be frustrating Cassie! Hang in there, there are plenty of more good days a head! You guys are in our thoughts and prayers!

  2. Way to go, Easton! You're doing a great job. Keep up the strong work, and keep making mommy and daddy proud! I can't wait for you to come home, then we'll be neighbors! I also can't wait to finally hold you <3 Love you, buddy!
