little bear

little bear
1 month old

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Finding my voice

Much to mommy and daddy's surprise, once we came home from the hospital I found my voice. Let me tell you my favorite thing to do while I am awake is cry! It drives daddy crazy. Especially because I usually calm down for mommy. I am starting to quiet down a little bit, now that I am kind of getting used to being home. We have done quite a bit since we have been home. We have gone to nana and papa Gudmundsons for dinner, we have had some visitors, I met daddy's coworkers, we have gone to dinner a couple of times, I had my first sleep over with my cousins, and we even went to the park yesterday. Daddy and Matt hit softballs, and it was 65 degrees out. I have let mommy and daddy know that I hate my carseat. It should be interesting to see how long it takes for me to get used to it! The rest of this week is pretty eventful. Daddy is getting a tattoo tomorrow, and I have my first photo shoot on Friday. We are very excited. Except for the fact that this means bath time. I don't like bath time at all! I would rather be snuggled in my elephant blanket, that is my favorite!!! Well it's nap time for me and mom! We will try to add pictures later Have a great day! Love, Easton

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