little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, March 22, 2012

6 weeks old

So we missed it by an hour and a half :). Thursday was a busy day! We had to pack all of my stuff for my first trip to Winneconne. Then we took a break to go visit Jessica, Andy, and Kellen. We helped with final preperations before baby girl comes! I am so excited for my first girlfriend! Then we started our journey. It was just me and mommy, because daddy had to go out of town for work. I was pretty good most of the way, I slept. Mommy said it rained like crazy all the way. We finally made it safe though. Then I got lots of snuggles with my auntie Alissa and my grandma Anita! They say I am getting sooo big! As much as mommy tried, the drive threw me off my schedule. So now we are awake. Hope everyone has a happy Friday! I get to go to my first birthday party. It is for my Uncle Colton!

Have a wonderful day!



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1 comment:

  1. Glad to see your are keeping up the blog! I call it my electronic baby book!
