little bear

little bear
1 month old

Saturday, March 17, 2012

5 weeks

We missed our 5 week update. Sorry. We have been quite busy this week. Grandma Anita, auntie Becca, great aunt Meghan, my newest second cousin Kennadi, and Beccas friend Brittany came to visit on Sunday and Monday.

Daddy went back to work full time on Monday, so we have been staying busy.

Tuesday and Wednesday we went to Rochester. On Tuesday we went to mommys work to visit, and on Wednesday we went shopping with Jessica for all of her baby essentials. She is my future mother-in-law haha! We are very excited for her to have that baby, and pray that all goes well for them.

Then we went to my cousin Paige's little house on the prarie play on Thursday! She was Mary and she did excellent! Then I got to meet the daycare kids!

Friday I finally got to meet the Gudmundson's from Illinois. I spent my afternoon and well into the evening snuggling with them. This is the first time I have been together with all my cousins. We are going to be trouble in a couple of years! Finally the picture is of me stealing mommy's favorite spot. Snuggling with my daddy to start out our Saturday morning! Have a wonderdful day!



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