little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, October 4, 2012

34 weeks

Sorry i missed last week. Easton had his EEG on Tuesday. He also had a hearing test and shots. We won't know results until next Friday of the EEG. He still had fluid in his ears, so tubes may be in our future. Easton spent last weekend with daddy while mommy spent a girls weekend away. He was a pretty good boy for daddy. They just hung out and had some guy time. We bought our first home today, and we are so excited to make memories here. We painted Easton's room first thing first. He napped while we worked hard. This weekend has a lot of moving in store. It has been a very exciting day,and we are all very anxious about our move.
Have a great week!
The Gudmundsons

P.s. this is a picture of Easton tonight trying on his new hat one of daddy's wonderful coworkers made for him.

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