little bear

little bear
1 month old

Friday, October 19, 2012

36 weeks

This week we have been busy unpacking and making our house a home. We have also been dealing with all of our thoughts and emotions from what we learned last Friday. A lot of our questions just can not be answered yet. They are all about the future.
As for Easton he has been working really hard at getting his first tooth. It is almost there, but it really has been getting the best of him. He has not been sleeping well and he has been a little crabby!
We are excited to celebrate Winona state homecoming by going to the parade tomorrow morning. Hopefully the weather cooperates!
We are also hoping for a visit from Grandma Anita, auntie Alissa and Becca, and cousins Hayden, Gracie,and Owen. It all depends on how Auntie Alissa is feeling though because she had surgery this morning to remove a big kidney stone! We are very happy surgery went well.
After nap time we are having a play date with Auntie Jenny, cousins Paige, Delaney, and Logan. We are excited to see them, life has been so busy.
We really appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers as we continue on our life long journey!
Joe, Cassie, and Easton

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