little bear

little bear
1 month old

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tuesday eeg results

Today we got eeg results. Easton's eeg was completely normal! This is wonderful news! They are going to do another eeg in 7 weeks and if all is still good we will hopefully get to start weaning off meds. We are praying for this. They are going to do an MRI in 8 weeks to check on his brain. Also in the last two weeks Easton's head control has increased dramatically! He has also been having a ton ofsocial smiles! These have been very rewarding. He has been tracking objects very well, and has started to turn to look for voices, besides his mommy's. He had started to vocalize a lot more. We also started rice cereal. He is not sure what to think about that yet. All in all it has been a great week for our family. Included is a picture of cereal, and one of his cheeks!

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