little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, August 2, 2012

25 weeks

We have had a pretty good week. Mommy is still home with me, and I love it! I love her to hold me and snuggle me, she likes it too! I had a post hospital visit with the pediatrician yesterday and they are happy mommy and daddy are not seeing any spasms. Today i got to start lowering my dose of prednisone. Hopefully everything stats good from here on out. I have enjoyed watching the Olympics this last week also. We had a great visit from the Illinois Gudmundsons last weekend. I also have enjoyed face time with auntie Alissa, auntie Becca, uncle Colton, and Grandma Anita this week. I think the iPad is pretty neat.
Thanks everyone for keeping tabs on me, but I need to eat and go to sleep. I an kind of crabby!

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