little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, August 23, 2012

28 weeks

We had a fun and exciting weekend celebrating goodview days! We went to a get together Friday evening and watched a bunch of softball. I got to sit in my stroller like a big boy and i loved it! I also got to try sweet potatoes for the first time. I like those! I had my 6 month appointment yesterday. I weighed 13pounds 7ounces. I did not get any of my shots because I was still on prednisone. Yesterday was my last day of that! Thank goodness! Mommy and I made our first trip back to Winneconne for a short trip so she could visit her cousin and see her new babies. Pictures of me loving being a big boy in my stroller, not enjoying tummy time, eating sweet potatoes,  how daddy found me in my crib this morning, and finally getting the hang of my bumbo chair!
Have a great week!

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