little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, August 23, 2012

28 weeks

We had a fun and exciting weekend celebrating goodview days! We went to a get together Friday evening and watched a bunch of softball. I got to sit in my stroller like a big boy and i loved it! I also got to try sweet potatoes for the first time. I like those! I had my 6 month appointment yesterday. I weighed 13pounds 7ounces. I did not get any of my shots because I was still on prednisone. Yesterday was my last day of that! Thank goodness! Mommy and I made our first trip back to Winneconne for a short trip so she could visit her cousin and see her new babies. Pictures of me loving being a big boy in my stroller, not enjoying tummy time, eating sweet potatoes,  how daddy found me in my crib this morning, and finally getting the hang of my bumbo chair!
Have a great week!

27 weeks

August 16th

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tuesday eeg results

Today we got eeg results. Easton's eeg was completely normal! This is wonderful news! They are going to do another eeg in 7 weeks and if all is still good we will hopefully get to start weaning off meds. We are praying for this. They are going to do an MRI in 8 weeks to check on his brain. Also in the last two weeks Easton's head control has increased dramatically! He has also been having a ton ofsocial smiles! These have been very rewarding. He has been tracking objects very well, and has started to turn to look for voices, besides his mommy's. He had started to vocalize a lot more. We also started rice cereal. He is not sure what to think about that yet. All in all it has been a great week for our family. Included is a picture of cereal, and one of his cheeks!

From thursday august 9th

I am 6 months old today. I am also 26 weeks. Mommy and daddy can't believe i am already this big! I had an eeg today and we are hoping for good news. We will find out on Tuesday. My cheeks are getting bigger every day. Hopefully when i get off this prednisone they will go back to normal size. Not much else new here! Hope everyone has a good rest of the week!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

25 weeks

We have had a pretty good week. Mommy is still home with me, and I love it! I love her to hold me and snuggle me, she likes it too! I had a post hospital visit with the pediatrician yesterday and they are happy mommy and daddy are not seeing any spasms. Today i got to start lowering my dose of prednisone. Hopefully everything stats good from here on out. I have enjoyed watching the Olympics this last week also. We had a great visit from the Illinois Gudmundsons last weekend. I also have enjoyed face time with auntie Alissa, auntie Becca, uncle Colton, and Grandma Anita this week. I think the iPad is pretty neat.
Thanks everyone for keeping tabs on me, but I need to eat and go to sleep. I an kind of crabby!