little bear

little bear
1 month old

Friday, May 11, 2012

13 Weeks old and 3 months.

Well we didn't get great news from the EEG. Easton isn't having any seizures, but he is having seizure activity still in his right frontal and right temporal lobes. We will do another EEG in 3 months. He will continue on his meds for now. Not the way Easton wanted to spend his 3 month birthday I am sure. I got the results over the phone so I didn't get any other information. And of course didn't think of any questions until after I was off the phone and trying to process what this means for Easton, and the rest of his life. Hopefully it is still something he can grow out of, but for now we just need to be thankful his needs are working, and he is growing and developing well!

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