little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, May 3, 2012

12 Weeks old

Today marks 12 Weeks into my life adventure. Day 2 at daycare. Nana says I am a very good boy. Daddy is getting used to having me at night by himself, although I have been testing his patience. I have woken up both nights before the alarm goes  off. I was sleeping through the night. Mommy is getting back into the swing of things at work, but she misses me terribly. We enjoyed watching Daddy play his first softball game tonite. They lost by one but that's okay! This weekend we are celebrating 2 of my cousins birthdays! Delaney is going to be 7 and Owen is going to be 1. I sure wish I was big enough to eat cake. Next week we have my NICU follow up and I have to have EEG. Hopefully everything goes well! Mommy and Daddy's 2 year anniversary is next week also. I am sure I will get to help them celebrate!! Well the thought of all that makes me tired. Good night!

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