little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, March 29, 2012

7 weeks

We have had a busy week! We all survived our first trip to Winneconne! I got to meet lots of my family while I was there at Uncle Colton's birthday party. This week we have been recovering and catching up on sleep. We have also been preparing for my baptism party. We are excited to see everyone again. Today I had my 2 month check up. Dr.Loar says I am doing good. I am not gaining as much weight as they would like, so I have to try and eat more. I got 4 different vaccinations today, so I am not feeling the best. I also have my first cold. Not my best day, but not my worst. Hope you are all having a wonderful week! Love Easton

Thursday, March 22, 2012

6 weeks old

So we missed it by an hour and a half :). Thursday was a busy day! We had to pack all of my stuff for my first trip to Winneconne. Then we took a break to go visit Jessica, Andy, and Kellen. We helped with final preperations before baby girl comes! I am so excited for my first girlfriend! Then we started our journey. It was just me and mommy, because daddy had to go out of town for work. I was pretty good most of the way, I slept. Mommy said it rained like crazy all the way. We finally made it safe though. Then I got lots of snuggles with my auntie Alissa and my grandma Anita! They say I am getting sooo big! As much as mommy tried, the drive threw me off my schedule. So now we are awake. Hope everyone has a happy Friday! I get to go to my first birthday party. It is for my Uncle Colton!

Have a wonderful day!



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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

roll over

This might just bw a fluke but mommy caught me rolling over! She was so excited!

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Monday, March 19, 2012

monday morning

Just hanging out with mommy this morning! Here is me not hating tummy time! I even am turning my head to the left by myself on my tummy! I hope everyone has been enjoying the beautiful weather. Mommy, daddy, Layla, and I have been taking walks and going to the park!

Have a wonderful week!



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Saturday, March 17, 2012

5 weeks

We missed our 5 week update. Sorry. We have been quite busy this week. Grandma Anita, auntie Becca, great aunt Meghan, my newest second cousin Kennadi, and Beccas friend Brittany came to visit on Sunday and Monday.

Daddy went back to work full time on Monday, so we have been staying busy.

Tuesday and Wednesday we went to Rochester. On Tuesday we went to mommys work to visit, and on Wednesday we went shopping with Jessica for all of her baby essentials. She is my future mother-in-law haha! We are very excited for her to have that baby, and pray that all goes well for them.

Then we went to my cousin Paige's little house on the prarie play on Thursday! She was Mary and she did excellent! Then I got to meet the daycare kids!

Friday I finally got to meet the Gudmundson's from Illinois. I spent my afternoon and well into the evening snuggling with them. This is the first time I have been together with all my cousins. We are going to be trouble in a couple of years! Finally the picture is of me stealing mommy's favorite spot. Snuggling with my daddy to start out our Saturday morning! Have a wonderdful day!



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Friday, March 9, 2012


So a change in plans for us. Easton is getting circumcised today. They just took him back. The same doctor that delivered him is doing the procedure. They called us yesterday to give us the info to schedule his appointment, and when I called they said we had to do it by today or we would need to be refered to urology. So here we are now... waiting and hoping all goes well.  Unfortunatley we had to reschedule pictures... but only until tomorrow! I can not wait to do his pictures. I sure hope he cooperates! Well that is all for now. Thank you for thinking of our family!

Have a wonderful day!

Cassie, Joe, and Easton

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

4 weeks old!

I am 4 weeks old today! Can you believe how much we have gone through since I was born. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family in our lives, that have done so much for us!

Thank you all so much for everything!



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Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Snuggling with layla

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Watching everyone swim with auntie alissa and owen

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at the park

Here I am at the park

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Finding my voice

Much to mommy and daddy's surprise, once we came home from the hospital I found my voice. Let me tell you my favorite thing to do while I am awake is cry! It drives daddy crazy. Especially because I usually calm down for mommy. I am starting to quiet down a little bit, now that I am kind of getting used to being home. We have done quite a bit since we have been home. We have gone to nana and papa Gudmundsons for dinner, we have had some visitors, I met daddy's coworkers, we have gone to dinner a couple of times, I had my first sleep over with my cousins, and we even went to the park yesterday. Daddy and Matt hit softballs, and it was 65 degrees out. I have let mommy and daddy know that I hate my carseat. It should be interesting to see how long it takes for me to get used to it! The rest of this week is pretty eventful. Daddy is getting a tattoo tomorrow, and I have my first photo shoot on Friday. We are very excited. Except for the fact that this means bath time. I don't like bath time at all! I would rather be snuggled in my elephant blanket, that is my favorite!!! Well it's nap time for me and mom! We will try to add pictures later Have a great day! Love, Easton