little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, January 17, 2013

49 weeks

Well we have had a pretty calm quiet week. Just the kind we like. During my whole hospital adventure I got 2 more teeth. I now have 6 teeth. With a 7th getting ready to pop through. Mommy has started planning my birthday. Tonight I watched the gophers in my gophers outfit with daddy.
We started a schedule and wearing my glasses now that things have settled down. I am really good at taking them off.i get early mad when someone puts them back on.
I had another swallow study on Tuesday. I still need to be on thickened liquids, but they will check it out again at the end of february. i also broke the 17lb mark! go me!! Not much else.
Mommy does want to say an extra special thanks to all of those that have helped me over the last few weeks. Especially the Winneconne first responders, the Oshkosh paramedics, the emergency department at Theda Clark in Neenah, the flight team from mayo, the nurses and doctors in the PICU and the general care floor. And a very extra special thank you to grandma Cathie for going with us in the ambulance, staying with me in the E.R. When mommy and daddy needed to step out, and for sitting with mommy while we waited for the mayo team to get there and everyone else had left. We love you lots!
Thank you again for all of the love and prayers sent our way!
Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. love you Easter Bunny, I can't believe your almost one years old!
