little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, January 17, 2013

48 weeks (1/10/13)

Friday morning they drew blood, took urine, and I had a swallow study to see why i was choking. they decided i needed to be on thickened liquids so i was less likely to aspirate.
I was still spiking temps through the meds. They wouldn't do anything until I had a fever for 48 hours.
Saturday still had a fever. So they drew more blood. They started me on antibiotics. They said I couldn't go home until I was fever free for 24 hours.
Fast forward to Monday, no more fevers and we got to go home again. They couldn't figure out what was causing my fever, but antibiotics was working. They said to finish out the course. So far no more fevers. We spent the rest of the week hanging out and recuperating.
A couple more pictures from the week.

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