little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, January 24, 2013

50 weeks

This week. It's quiet. We like it. Mommy and I have been working on wearing my glasses. I really do not enjoy them. We are planning my birthday which is coming up quick! Can you believe I am going to be ONE!
Not much else going on here!
Thanks for all of your prayers and well wishes!
Pictures of me with my new elephant toy. And mommy finally put up my awesome cross I got for Christmas!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

49 weeks

Well we have had a pretty calm quiet week. Just the kind we like. During my whole hospital adventure I got 2 more teeth. I now have 6 teeth. With a 7th getting ready to pop through. Mommy has started planning my birthday. Tonight I watched the gophers in my gophers outfit with daddy.
We started a schedule and wearing my glasses now that things have settled down. I am really good at taking them off.i get early mad when someone puts them back on.
I had another swallow study on Tuesday. I still need to be on thickened liquids, but they will check it out again at the end of february. i also broke the 17lb mark! go me!! Not much else.
Mommy does want to say an extra special thanks to all of those that have helped me over the last few weeks. Especially the Winneconne first responders, the Oshkosh paramedics, the emergency department at Theda Clark in Neenah, the flight team from mayo, the nurses and doctors in the PICU and the general care floor. And a very extra special thank you to grandma Cathie for going with us in the ambulance, staying with me in the E.R. When mommy and daddy needed to step out, and for sitting with mommy while we waited for the mayo team to get there and everyone else had left. We love you lots!
Thank you again for all of the love and prayers sent our way!
Have a great week!

48 weeks (1/10/13)

Friday morning they drew blood, took urine, and I had a swallow study to see why i was choking. they decided i needed to be on thickened liquids so i was less likely to aspirate.
I was still spiking temps through the meds. They wouldn't do anything until I had a fever for 48 hours.
Saturday still had a fever. So they drew more blood. They started me on antibiotics. They said I couldn't go home until I was fever free for 24 hours.
Fast forward to Monday, no more fevers and we got to go home again. They couldn't figure out what was causing my fever, but antibiotics was working. They said to finish out the course. So far no more fevers. We spent the rest of the week hanging out and recuperating.
A couple more pictures from the week.

47 weeks (1/3/13)

We started out this week heading to Winneconne to see our family there! Daddy had a half day at work so we got a head start. Friday evening we had dinner with mommy and daddy's friends Erin and Marty. It was great to see them and catch up. Saturday started with a lunch get together with the Wisnefske family at papa denny's house. We got to see the Crane family, and mommy's auntie dawn. It was a lot of fun seeing everyone. Then we headed to grandma Anita and Papa Jon's house for dinner with the Tuschl's, Ercegovac's, Keller's, Behm's, and Murray's.
This is when life took a turn.
I had a seizure that started just before 9pm. It really scared everyone, so they called 911. It is a good thing they did, because my seizure wasn't stopping. It finally stopped after we were in the ambulance on our way to the hospital, and the paramedic had given me 2 doses of medicine to stop it.
Unfortunately, sometime during my seizure, I aspirated on my saliva. This meant my breathing was not effective, and I was getting sicker. They tried to suction out my throat, but I didn't tolerate that, and just stopped breathing. They then had to intubate me and put me on a ventilator. It took them 8 tries to get the tube in because my vocal cords were clamped shut.
This is when they told mommy and daddy they needed to transfer me. They wanted to transfer me to Milwaukee, but mommy convinced the doctors to call mayo clinic.
Thankfully mayo sent over a team of nurses and a respiratory therapist on an airplane to come and get me. So daddy, uncle Travis, auntie Alissa, grandma Anita, and great aunt Meghan started driving to Rochester so they could meet us there. Around 3 in the morning, mommy, me, and the mayo team started our trip from neenah to rochester. We rode in an ambulance to the airport, then boarded a 8 person jet. The flight took 35 minutes. We got to Rochester and an ambulance took us to mayo. We got to the hospital about 430. Nana peg and papa Jeff were there waiting for us. Daddy and the crew got there about a half hour later.
After they took x-rays and drew blood it was time to wait. About 9:30 they started weaning me off all of the drugs to let me wake up. By noon I was extubated. No more tube! Mommy says it was sad to see me fight the tube while I was waking up.
By 3pm was transferred out of the ICU. I was doing great and everyone was relieved. Auntie jenny and uncle jeremy came to check on me. Now maybe everyone could get some sleep. The Winneconne crew went home before they were to tired to drive. Everyone else left shortly afterand mommy and daddy tried to sleep. I had other things to say about that! I did finally go to sleep :) just wanted mommy and daddy to know I wasn't giving up.
We celebrated New Years in the hospital. We could have gone home, but I was still really drowsy, and mom and dad were not comfortable with that.
Tuesday morning we headed home. When we got home daddy and I napped on the couch.
Wednesday came and went. Wednesday night I choked on my spit and it scared the crap out of my mommy!
The next morning mommy called the doctor. They wanted to see me because they were afraid I might have aspirated again. So back to Rochester we went. When we got to the pediatrician's I spiked a temp.
So to the ER we went. Chest X-ray, Tylenol, and admitted again for observation.
Pictures from the week.

46 weeks (12/27)

I celebrated my first Christmas this week. I enjoyed a lot of great time with my Gudmundson family! I got some really neat presents, and Santa even stopped at my house! I did roll to the tree before Christmas and opened one of my presents from mom and dad. I also got my glasses today! Here is a picture. Here are some pictures from Christmas too!