little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, December 20, 2012

45 weeks

I got to see Santa twice this week! The first time I tried to pull santa's beard off haha.
Monday mommy took me to see the eye doctor. Turns out I need to get glasses! They should be here in a couple weeks! My left eye tends to cross, so they are hoping this will fix it! Otherwise it has been pretty quiet here.
Mommy took a picture of me watching all the snow today! She also took a picture of me under the coffee table. It is my favorite place to roll. It is my fort.
Mommy also says I should mention that I now have 5 teeth! Daddy calls me chomper!
That is all for this week!
Have a merry Christmas everyone!
Thanks for all of the well wishes and continued prayers!

P.S. the pictures in the polar bear pjs are from the first day I was officially warmed up after birth, and me now 10 months later!

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