little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, December 13, 2012

44 weeks old!

Wow this week has been busy.
I got to spend lots of snuggle time with Nana on Friday night. We played and snuggled! It was so much fun!
Saturday we spent time with Auntie Jenny, Uncle Brad, and my couzzies! That was fun too! Logan even shared some of his toys with me!
Tuesday we had an appointment with the dietician, because I am still not gaining weight. Mommy says I am a stinker! She gave us some ideas on how to get me some more calories, so lets hope they work!!
Then mommy and I made a trip back to Winneconne. We wanted to help finish some projects for a family we adopted for christmas! I got to spend lots of time with my couzzies there too! I even got to see Kenna! She is mommys cousin, but she is only 2 weeks younger than me! You wouldn't really guess it though!! I fell asleep tuesday night on Grandma Anita's lap, snuggling Uncle Colton's leg.
Wednesday I got to hang out with my Uncle Travis for a while. That was fun. Then we made our drive home.
Today I got my first Christmas present in the mail from Great Grandma Wisnefske. Thank You!! Mommy let me open one, but she said I have to wait for daddy to open the other one! I really loved the paper!!!
I would like to ask all of you to keep my adopted Uncle Matt and Auntie Tanya in your prayers! They have had a very tough few days!
I thank you all for the prayers and well wishes!
Have a great week!

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