little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, September 20, 2012

32 weeks

Pretty boring week here this week. Mom and I have been working hard on my birth to three homework. I have been working more on sitting and grabbing things with both of my hands. This week they added trying to get me into the crawling position. I am not such a huge fan of that. I fell asleep sitting up with my boppy the other night, and today sitting next to mommy in the chair. I tried sitting in the front of the cart by myself the other day, but it was quite an adventure. I also sat in a booth with mommy. That was more fun. Mommy snapped a good photo of daddy reading me a book before bed. I really love reading. I sometimes even read out loud to mommy and daddy. I am really starting to talk. Mommy and daddy just think I am too cute, and I would have to agree.
Have a great week

Thursday, September 13, 2012

31 weeks

This week has been a fun week. We celebrated Nana and Papa Gudmundson's 40th wedding anniversary with a surprise party. It was a very fun time. I was a very good boy and even stayed up till 11 pm. We spent some good quality time with my Gudmundson family. Daddy was happy and mommy was sad with football on Sunday. I got to have a play date with my friend Taylor this week too! I also got to take a trip to Maplewood and meet my new friend Lucas! Mommy says he is almost as cute as me! This week with birth to three we are working on supported sitting. I am getting pretty good at it, but sometimes I don't like practicing. We are also working on my hands and my eyes working together. I am really getting good with my right hand, and I am working hard on my left hand. Well I better get back to practicing so I can take a break and watch the packers with mommy!
Have a great week!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

30 weeks

Well I am doing more amazing things this week! I have started reaching for things I see with my right hand. I am able to grab my rattle, and put it in my mouth, all while watching it. I still "fish" for toys with my left hand, but at least I am grabbing things. I tried out my Johnny jump up for the first time yesterday and I loved it! It is such a new way to look at life! I also went to my first Minnesota state fair. It was very busy, but there were a lot of neat things to look at. The birth to three ladies say my mommy and daddy are doing an awesome job helping me try to catch up. They can tell that we have all been working very hard. I have made my mommy very proud this week! Daddy too!
Have a great week

Saturday, September 1, 2012

29 week pictures

29 weeks

Sorry for the late update. My phone hates me!
Well this week has been a busy week. I had an eye doctor appointment, where they said I was a little cross eyed. They said it is in the normal range, but they want to see me again in three months to keep an eye on me. I also had a hearing test. I did okay, but I have to redo that one in6 weeks. They think I have some fluid in my ears. I rolled from my back to my belly all by myself a couple of times this week, not on purpose I promise. I got there and was really mad. I also got to try green beans. I really like them. I also am really liking my high chair.
Have a great week!