little bear

little bear
1 month old

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday July 10th

Today I saw the ladies from the birth to three program I am part of. I was pretty tired, so I didn't show off all of my skills. Mommy did talk to the teacher about my progress. Even though she thinks I have made progress, she does think I am 2-3 months behind where I should be. So I still need to keep working hard, and so do Mommy and Daddy to help me progress like I should. I should be rolling over both from my back to my belly, and my belly to my back, holding my head up well, grabbing my toes, and giggling. These are all things I need to work on. I need to work hard to get my trunk muscles stronger, because I have really strong back muscles that make me arch my back way more than I should. Mommy and Daddy are thinking that they are going to have the ladies from the program come more often, just to help them help me a little more. Not great news today, but mommy and daddy are hopeful I will get up to speed eventually. Until then we keep working hard.
Have a great week!

Easton :)

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