little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, July 12, 2012

22 Weeks

Well after a very eventful two days we hope we can settle in for a quiet weekend. We spent our day in Rochester yesterday. We visited the ER twice yesterday due to Easton having seizure activity. They think the reason this is happening is that his medication dose is too low. We have doubled his Keppra dose and if we need to we will increase his phenobarbital dose too. We are hoping we won't need to do this since it is a pretty harsh medication. He seems to be doing well today, but he did have a small episode on our way home from Rochester. This one was a lot shorter then the last two. We are really hoping this is the end of these break through seizures, and that his increased med dose does the trick. Please say an extra prayer for Easton as he needs them today.
Thank you!
Cassie and Joe

This picture is Easton waiting for the doctor at our first ER visit.

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