little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, July 26, 2012

24 weeks

Can't believe how time is going so quickly! We have been home from the hospital for a week now. The new medications seem to be working. We are not seeing any spells. The last one we saw was Sunday morning. Mommy added pictures of me grabbing my toes and rolling on my side.

Friday, July 20, 2012

23 Weeks

Well it has been an eventful week. Sorry for the late post. We got admitted to the hospital on Tuesday afternoon because reason was diagnosed with infantile spasms. He had another eeg and got put on some new medications. We got to come home yesterday afternoon. Luckily we were not in the parking ramp with the pipe bomb! Easton had a great night and day today. He has only had one episode in the last 24 hours. We are very hopeful the new medications are working. We appreciate all of the prayers and well wishes as we try to figure all of this out. Pictures below are some from our stay at the hospital!
Thanks again everyone!
Cassie, Joe, and Easton

Thursday, July 12, 2012

22 Weeks

Well after a very eventful two days we hope we can settle in for a quiet weekend. We spent our day in Rochester yesterday. We visited the ER twice yesterday due to Easton having seizure activity. They think the reason this is happening is that his medication dose is too low. We have doubled his Keppra dose and if we need to we will increase his phenobarbital dose too. We are hoping we won't need to do this since it is a pretty harsh medication. He seems to be doing well today, but he did have a small episode on our way home from Rochester. This one was a lot shorter then the last two. We are really hoping this is the end of these break through seizures, and that his increased med dose does the trick. Please say an extra prayer for Easton as he needs them today.
Thank you!
Cassie and Joe

This picture is Easton waiting for the doctor at our first ER visit.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tuesday July 10th

Today I saw the ladies from the birth to three program I am part of. I was pretty tired, so I didn't show off all of my skills. Mommy did talk to the teacher about my progress. Even though she thinks I have made progress, she does think I am 2-3 months behind where I should be. So I still need to keep working hard, and so do Mommy and Daddy to help me progress like I should. I should be rolling over both from my back to my belly, and my belly to my back, holding my head up well, grabbing my toes, and giggling. These are all things I need to work on. I need to work hard to get my trunk muscles stronger, because I have really strong back muscles that make me arch my back way more than I should. Mommy and Daddy are thinking that they are going to have the ladies from the program come more often, just to help them help me a little more. Not great news today, but mommy and daddy are hopeful I will get up to speed eventually. Until then we keep working hard.
Have a great week!

Easton :)