little bear

little bear
1 month old

Friday, June 1, 2012

16 Weeks

I had a great time last weekend in Chicago! I just wish we didn't have to live so far away from each other. Layla missed us while we were gone, but she was a very good girl at the kennel. We got to help auntie Jenny celebrate her birthday on Tuesday. Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment. I weighed 11lbs 14ozs. They are happy with how big I am getting. I am in the 7th percent formy weight. I am 25 inches long and in the 53rd percent for my height. I am in the 10th percent for my head circumference. Dr. Rob says I am looking pretty good. They are upping my meds since I am getting so big. Other than that not much is new here.
Have a wonderful weekend!

p.s. Here is me tolerating tummytime!

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