little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, June 28, 2012

20 Weeks

Enjoying outside. Happy its not as hot as yesterday! I had a great appointment with the birth to three ladies on Tuesday. I grabbed my toes, rolled over, held on to my toy with both hands, and even gave them a smile! I had a fun weekend up north, but I didn't enjoy the car ride. I sat in nana's exasaucer for about a half hour at daycare on Tuesday. I get to spend the whole weekend with Daddy while Mommy works. Hope everyone has a wonderful day, and a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

19 weeks

Hanging out in my swing that I finally like! Watching Mommy pack for our first adventure up north! We celebrated Mommy's birthday on Tuesday! I have been all smiles latley! Not much else is new here.
Have a wonderful day:)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Enjoying summer!

Enjoying a little shade after the morning parade! One of our first smiles caught on camera!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

18 Weeks

We are all bundled up watching Daddy play ball! We had a quiet week. this weekend we are celebrating my cousin Logan's 1st birthday! Pretty soon I am going to get to eat cake too! Hope everyone is having a great week!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

17 Weeks

Look at me! Sound asleep loving life! If you look at my elbow I am getting a dimple on it! Finally plumping up a little! My cheeks are ever growing too! This week I have started cooing and I even think about laughing from time to time! I have also started to grab onto things and once in a while try to get them to my mouth! As much as I love my nuk, I have a new found interest in my fists! I just love shoving the whole thing in my mouth. I am really working hard on having better control of my head too. Sometimes I get really mad at Mommy when she makes me practice! Mom and Dad think I might be learning that when I cry someone will hold me, and that it is way better to sleep in someone's  arms than all by myself.  I am really getting big though, its hard to believe! Mom, Dad, and I are looking forward to a low key weekend! Hope you all enjoy your day!

Friday, June 1, 2012

16 Weeks

I had a great time last weekend in Chicago! I just wish we didn't have to live so far away from each other. Layla missed us while we were gone, but she was a very good girl at the kennel. We got to help auntie Jenny celebrate her birthday on Tuesday. Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment. I weighed 11lbs 14ozs. They are happy with how big I am getting. I am in the 7th percent formy weight. I am 25 inches long and in the 53rd percent for my height. I am in the 10th percent for my head circumference. Dr. Rob says I am looking pretty good. They are upping my meds since I am getting so big. Other than that not much is new here.
Have a wonderful weekend!

p.s. Here is me tolerating tummytime!