little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Picture at 11 weeks

11 weeks

Today I am 11 weeks old. Mom posted this picture of Layla and I relaxing. She was keeping my feet warm! We had an appointment with one of the neurologist that saw me when I was in the NICU. He says I have come a long way since he has seen me last. He thought that maybe I am a couple of weeks behind developmentally and that my tummy muscles need a little work. He seems to think all of this will come together with time. We scheduled an EEG for a couple weeks from now, so hopefully all is well there, and I can start to wean off my medications. Other news, I have a old that has given me laryngitis. My cry is mostly silent! Mommy says it sounds pretty pitiful. I hope I feel better soon, because I am having my first sleepover at Grandma Anitas, without mommy. I am going to have so much fun!!! I start daycare next week Wednesday, so I will let you know how that goes. I am sure it will, I get to spend my days with my Nana. That's all for now. Have a wonderful weekend! Easton

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

5 ounces

We went to the doctor yesterday and I weighed nine pounds nine ounces.growing big! Mommy took this picture after my first five ounce bottle!
I loved it!
Happy Tuesday

Sunday, April 22, 2012


He was wide awake when i went to make his bottle. I came back and he is fast asleep snuggled in my spot in bed.
He had a ton of fun shopping yesterday, and he has enjoyed seeing everyone this weekend.
Happy Sunday!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

10 weeks old

Today I am 10 weeks old! My favorite thing this week are my new floor gym and Daddy. Last night he put me to bed and I slept for 8 whole hours! Life has been good this week. Next week is Mommy's last week home with me! We have a busy but fun week planned! We are going to be going to Winneconne one more time before mom goes back to work. It should be fun!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, April 9, 2012

2 months old

Today I am 2 months old! Mommy can not believe how fast time is going! We had a wonderful Easter weekend, and we spent lots of time with the Gudmundson family. We went to church Easter morning, and I pooped through my outfit before the sermon even started! Just wanted to show I didn't want to be dressed up. My cousin Logan and I had the same first Easter onsie so we took some pictures. We figured out that my feet are just as long as his! He is 10 months old! Today mommy and I went grocery shopping for the first time by ourselves. It went better than mommy expected. Tonight I am going to try a little formula in my bottle to see if it helps me gain a little more weight and maybe even sleep a little longer. Mommy is hoping for both! We need to start getting on a little bit more of a schedule since mommy has to start thinking about going back to work. She is not ready at all to go back! Well that's all for now! Hope everyone has a wonderful week! Love Easton

Saturday, April 7, 2012

my first easter

My first easter outfit from my auntie alissa!

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dying easter eggs

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tuckered out

This was my nap after we got home from Winneconne! I was so tired! I had a lot of fun though!

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Today was a busy day! I got pictures taken with my Gudmundson cousins! It was quite cold out for me! Auntie Sandra bit the bullet and snuggled me to warm me up, and we fell asleep! Can you believe I am 8 weeks old already! Mommy and I went to Winneconne for a few days, and I got to spend a lot of time with my cousins and my auntie Alissa! We had my baptisim celebration last weekend and we had a lot of fun! It was nice to see everyone! I am getting bigger every day!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!



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