little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, November 1, 2012

37 weeks

Today I am 37 weeks! I am still working really hard on getting this tooth through. I was at the doctor on Monday for my cough, no problems there but I lost weight. So we have to go back for a weight check on Monday. I got to enjoy the weekend with my grandma Anita, auntie Alissa, Becca, cousins Hayden, Gracie, and Owen. We also got to see uncle brad, auntie Jenny, Paige, delaney, and Logan. Tonight mommy tells me we are going to carve pumpkins. What that means I am not really sure. We went pumpkin hunting last weekend. I didn't really know what was up. I did love the fresh air thigh. We also went to my first Winona state homecoming parade. I liked watching all the people. Mommy has lots of pictures for you today. She says she will post pumpkin carving pictures later!
Have a great weekend everyone! We are headed to Chicago to visit uncle buster, auntie Sandra, luc, and Juliana. Thank you all for prayers and well wishes!
Love Easton
Pictures with my cousins, the pumpkin patch, Layla and I, the parade, and today will be on the next post

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