little bear

little bear
1 month old

Thursday, November 15, 2012

40 weeks

I got my second tooth this week! It was not nearly as bad as the first one! Thank goodness!!
Mommy also moved me to my big boy carseat for good today! I have been doing pretty good practicing my sitting, and even in the cart I do pretty good!
I am getting pretty excited for thanksgiving and getting to see my winneconne family!
I got to see most of my Gudmundson family last weekend. I even giggled at the dogs playing!
It has been a good week!
Picture of me in my high hair.
Thank you for all the well wishes and good prayers!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

November 9th

i am 9 months old today! I got to spend the day with mommy and my cousin Logan! I giggled for the first time today!!! It melted mommys heart!!! Here are some pictures from today!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Mommy says it is crazy that I have been here for as long as she had known she was pregnant.
This week has been a pretty low key week, except for that mommy switched me to soy formula to see if that would help me from spitting up so much. It must have worked, because I gained 14 oz this week!
Mommy and I went home for the weekend to help celebrate Auntie Sammy's baby shower. I got to see my papas, and my grandmas. I also got to see my cousins, aunties, uncles, and a lot of my other family. Everyone was glad to see me, and I was happy to see them!
I celebrated my first day light savings time. Mommy was really happy about that. We ended up staying in Winneconne for an extra night, so I got extra snuggles with the family.
We missed Daddy though. He had to stay home for work. Daddy put our christmas lights up while we were gone. They look really wonderful. Daddy did a great job!
Pictures are of me sitting with with the Birth to Three ladies. Me just hanging out. A picture from today. And a picture of me snuggling with Uncle C!!
Hope everyone has a great week!
Thank you for all of your prayers and well wishes!!!
Love Easton, and my mommy and daddy :)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

37 weeks

Today I am 37 weeks! I am still working really hard on getting this tooth through. I was at the doctor on Monday for my cough, no problems there but I lost weight. So we have to go back for a weight check on Monday. I got to enjoy the weekend with my grandma Anita, auntie Alissa, Becca, cousins Hayden, Gracie, and Owen. We also got to see uncle brad, auntie Jenny, Paige, delaney, and Logan. Tonight mommy tells me we are going to carve pumpkins. What that means I am not really sure. We went pumpkin hunting last weekend. I didn't really know what was up. I did love the fresh air thigh. We also went to my first Winona state homecoming parade. I liked watching all the people. Mommy has lots of pictures for you today. She says she will post pumpkin carving pictures later!
Have a great weekend everyone! We are headed to Chicago to visit uncle buster, auntie Sandra, luc, and Juliana. Thank you all for prayers and well wishes!
Love Easton
Pictures with my cousins, the pumpkin patch, Layla and I, the parade, and today will be on the next post

37 weeks pictures

38 weeks

Crazy to think I have been around as long as mommy knew she was pregnant with me! This week we had a great week. Turns out my hearing is just fine, all the wax they took out helped. Halloween was fun. I was super man! I also switched to soy formula today. Hopefully that will help me gain weight and puke less. I have not gained any weight since the beginning of October. We meet with the pediatrician next week. Pictures of Halloween festivities. Thank you all for your well wishes!
Hope everyone has a great week.